New FRA infographic: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma education


In 2011, the EU called on Member States to advance Roma inclusion. Even though some improvements, to date, Member States still fall short on most of the targets, in particular, in education. Only 5 in 10 young Roma children attend early childhood education.

Based on the new FRA report (May 2018): A persisting concern: anti- Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion, the infographic stresses that Member States need to:

  • Provide access to high quality education.
  • Offer learning support to compensate for many Roma pupils’ poor living conditions; and
  • Deliver targeted support at every educational stage.

ETUCE supports these demands and informs about the importance of providing sufficient and sustainable public investment for the implementation of these objectives. With a view to promote Roma educational inclusion, ETUCE has conducted an EU project on “Developing non-discriminatory quality education for Roma children”, were the above concerns were addressed.

To download the new FRA infographic on the barriers to Roma inclusion, please click here.