ETUCE Public Hearing and Conference: How to improve education in Europe if the teachers are left behind?


On 19 September from 9.00 – 13.00, ETUCE organises a Public Hearing ‘Supporting teachers in the European Education Area 2025: The role of education trade unions in meeting teachers’ professional needs’ which takes place in in the premises of the International Trade Union House, The International Auditorium (1st floor), Boulevard Roi Albert II 5, 1210, Brussels.

The public hearing aims to contribute to discussions on improving teaching and supporting teachers in the European Education Area 2025 and opens a Final Conference of the ETUCE project “Education Trade Unions for the Teaching Profession. Strengthening the capacity of education trade unions to represent teachers’ professional needs in social dialogue”. The Conference provides the opportunity to discuss the final outcomes of the project activities and practical guidelines supporting ETUCE member organisations in representing teachers’ professional needs within social dialogue structures.

The Public Hearing from 9.00-13.00 will be live-streamed here:

You can also find the recorded video of the Public Hearing at the ETUCE Facebook page after the event takes place: