ETUC Safe at home, safe at work report


The ETUC has published a report looking at gender-based violence at work as well as at home and strategies of trade unions and social partners to eliminate gender-based violence. This publication was produced as part of the ETUC’s “Safe at home, safe at work” project and concludes that collective bargaining is one of the most important tools for addressing and preventing gender-based violence at work and lists ten things that trade unions can do to tackle gender-based violence and harassment at work.

The report is partly based on the joint ETUCE-EFEE project on third-party violence and harassment and refers to the ‘Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment at the workplace’ (2010), signed by EPSU, UNI europa, ETUCE, HOSPEEM, CEMR, EFEE, EuroCommerce and CoESS.

It is pointed out that several education trade unions in Europe are taking action against gender-based violence through raising awareness on the issue and promoting educational environments free from gender-based violence and harassment, both for students and education personnel.

The full report can be accessed here.