European Demonstration A Fairer Europe for Workers 26 April 2019


The ETUCE Campaign Shape the Future of Europe with Teachers aims to promote the attractiveness of the teaching profession and to raise awareness of the challenges to education staff in light of the elections for the European Parliament and the global response campaign against privatisation and commercialisation of education.

In this context, we wish to inform you of the European demonstration for A Fairer Europe for Workers to be held on Friday 26 April 2019 in Brussels. This large-scale demonstration is organised by the European Trade Union Confederation for the European Parliament elections.

With a view to contributing to this demonstration with an education trade union bloc, raising awareness on our four key demands and making the teachers’ voice heard, we strongly encourage all ETUCE member organisations to participate in this demonstration.

In addition and in support of your lobbying actions to candidates for regional, national and  European elections, the ETUCE Secretariat has developed a set of questions you can use and adapt. We also encourage you to make use of the statement adopted by the ETUCE Committee in March 2019. 

With a view to disseminate member organisation campaign actions, we invite you to share your initiatives and/or actions related to the ETUCE Campaign.

We thank you for your contribution to this important campaign and look forward to welcoming your union representatives in Brussels for the European demonstration.