ETUCE position on the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014 – 2020


The ETUCE Bureau has issued a position paper regarding the European Commission's Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020. With this position paper, ETUCE wishes to convey its opinion on this EU Framework to the Italian Presidency and to contribute to the on-going preparation of the Council resolution on this document. While ETUCE acknowledges the launch of a new common initiative and underlines the necessity to further invest in occupation health and safety in times of economic recession, the position paper takes up the opportunity to comment on a number of issues.

Challenges identified by ETUCE concern the insufficient involvement of the social partners in supporting the implementation of the OSH Strategy, in particular regarding their consultation by national governments. Further, the prevention of work-related stress and the support for mental well-being needs to be given greater significance in the framework because it is an integral part of the health of all workers. Work-related stress is not limited to demographic change and the ageing workforce, nor is it connected uniquely to the use of technologies, as the framework suggests. In addition, the framework misses a gender perspective which highlights health and safety aspects that are relevant to women and men as well as the challenges linked to these. The education sector, like other public service sectors, is a female dominated profession. Therefore a special focus on the prevention of women's occupational health and safety hazards is crucial.

ETUCE member organisations are encouraged to lobby their national governments in view of the upcoming October meeting of the Council of the European Union.

The position paper will be forwarded to the Council.