Education International's guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020)
- European Social Partners in Education Promoting Environmental Sustainability in School Learning, Teaching and Management (December 2023)
- Practical guidelines for trade unions on addressing environmental issues and sustainable environmental development in the education sector (November 2022)
- ETUCE recommendations to address the Long COVID-19 syndrome in the education sector (November 2022)
- EFEE-ETUCE Joint Policy Recommendations on Promoting Quality of Academic Teaching and Management Project (2021-2022)
- EFEE-ETUCE Joint Policy Recommendations on Lifelong Learning for All: Social Partners in Education promoting quality and inclusive VET to enhance lifelong learning for all (2019-2021)
- Recommendation on The Role of Education Trade Unions in Ensuring Equality and Inclusion in Education in Times of Emergency (2021)
- Education International's guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020)
- ETUCE-EFEE Joint Practical Guidelines on how to promote effective integration of migrant and refugee learners in the education and socio-economic environment of the host countries through joint social partner initiatives at national, regional and local le
- Practical Guidelines for Education Trade Unions on How to represent effectively teachers’ professional needs within the unions’ capacity and social dialogue structures (2018)
- ETUCE’s guidelines on the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (2018)