Is the EU Code week aiding to create ‘student machines’?


The EU Code week between the 6th-21st October, is a grassroot initiative focusing on using fun and engaging measures for everyone including teachers, students and the elderly, to gain coding and digital literacy skills. This week is aimed at expanding one’s knowledge on how technology works and to develop the relevant skills to formulate new innovative ideas. Ways to get involved in this week are: to organise an activity to motivate others, joining an activity or through spreading the word so that others can learn more about Code Week.

The EU Code week offers ETUCE and its member organisation the opportunity to draw attention to how ICT can be used in education to teach problem-solving, bridge the ‘digital divide’, particularly regarding disadvantaged students and teachers and to promote social inclusion and the ability to think critically

For more information on ETUCE’s Position Paper on the new EU Digital Education Action Plan 2020, please click here.