Joint EI-ETUCE Statement on Israel and Palestine
Education International and the European Trade Union Committee for Education condemn the severe attack Hamas launched against Israel. Education International stands in solidarity with the teachers, students, and communities in the region and calls on the international community to do their utmost to stop the bloodshed and avoid a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.
"The Hamas attack on Israel is unacceptable. Educators around the world stand with our colleagues, students, and communities in Israel and Palestine and denounce the violent aggression. The violence must end. Our hearts go out to the families of all who have lost their lives. The international community must stand united in condemning any form of violence and in supporting lasting peace negotiations,” stated David Edwards, Education International General Secretary.
Susan Flocken, Director of ETUCE, the European Trade Union Committee for Education, the European Region of Education International said: “Teachers, academics and their unions in Europe are shocked by the new outbreak of violence in Israel and Palestine. ETUCE condemns the military aggression and expresses its support and solidarity with colleagues, teachers, academics and students and all people in the region. This new outbreak of war and retaliation puts the lives of millions of people at stake. The war must end. We call on the international community to do their utmost to support a peace agreement.”
Education International reiterates the call of the 2019 EI World Congress urging both Hamas and Israel to: “Renounce violence and commit to engage in direct negotiations. We have engaged with member organisations in Israel and Palestine to promote the importance of dialogue and of preserving the values of education and peace. We affirm our unwavering commitment to our member organisations in the region - the Israel Teacher Union (ITU) and the Association of Secondary School Teachers in Israel (ASSTI) as well as the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT), the General Union of Workers in Kindergartens and Private Schools (GUWKPS) and the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE).For too long the loss of human life has threatened the security of the entire region. The far-reaching consequences of war cannot be understated. The people in the region have a right to a future free of violence and war. The world must stand with them and redouble efforts to ensure peace. There is an urgent and imperative need for the international community to support, in every way possible, the realization of a peaceful and sustainable solution.