France: SNES-FSU warns Ministry about National Strike envisaged for 27 June 2019


The mobilisation of 17 June, on the first day of the Baccalaureate written exams, was a real success, both in terms of number of strikers and in terms of number of people joining the rallies, which made it possible to maintain opposition to the ongoing reforms and low wages in France, reported SNES-FSU.

Almost all of the examination centers were affected.

Frédérique Rolet, SNES-FSU General Secretary stated, “Staging a strike on the day of examinations was a difficult decision to take. The Minister was forced to defend his reforms without responding to the demands of the inter-union: upgrading of wages, withdrawal of high school and baccalaureate reforms, withdrawal of bills on “school of confidence” and on public service. The Minister of Education must face up to the protest, he must now give answers.”

The SNES-FSU suggested to organise strikes and rallies on 27 June,  starting day of exams for the National diploma at secondary level (Diplôme National du Brevet).

ETUCE expresses its continued solidarity with colleagues in France and firmly supports their demands  to the Ministry of National Education to:

  • drop the “Blanquer” Bill and the reforms on lycées and baccalauréat (secondary education level) that entail the reinforcement of inequalities in education;
  • increase salaries of education personnel;
  • start negotiations with education trade unions”.

ETUCE continues monitoring the situation in France.