ETUCE Statement on the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at work for 2021-2027 (November 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE position on the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on blended learning for high quality and inclusive primary and secondary education (November 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE Position on the “Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Education for Environmental Sustainability” (November 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE position on “A new framework for the Implementation of the European Education Area 2021-2030” (June 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE Statement on the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with disabilities (June 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE Position on The impact of micro-credentials on teachers and higher education (June 2021) EN FR RU
ETUCE Position on “European initiative on individual learning accounts to empower all individuals to participate in training” (June 2021) EN FR