ETUCE and EFEE look at new career development for academic teachers and researchers


On 28 September 2022, the delegates from the European education trade unions and education employers met for the ESSDE Working Group on Higher Education. The European Commission, DG EAC and DG RESEARCH presented the actions undertaken following the Council Recommendation of 5 April 2022 on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation (2021/C 221/03 and 2022/C 160/01), the European Strategy for Universities, and the “Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe” [2021/0230 (NLE)]. ETUCE member organisations commented mostly on the proposals of the European Commission on setting up a European Framework of sustainable and attractive careers for academics and a European Framework for Research Careers. They shared the problems the academics are facing, e.g. rigid academic careers, lack of parity of esteem, lack of career development, gender gaps, precarious working conditions, insufficient European mobility. There was an agreement that these European frameworks, however, will need to be consulted with the European Sectoral Social Partners for Education as they will have a great impact on the jobs of academics since they will focus on the definition and recognition of the academic and research profession and career; recruitment and working conditions; skills for intersectoral careers; career development and progression support actions and monitoring. ETUCE and EFEE stressed the importance of recognizing the exceptional role of social partners organizations in the consultation process by the European Commission and highlighted the message of contained in the ETUCE Position on the European Universities Initiative and European Degrees. The members underlined that public consultation and information sessions with the education social partners are not sufficient, and effective social dialogue with the European Commission with the European Commission on the development of these new career frameworks would have a positive impact on the development and use of these career frameworks. ETUCE member organizations especially asked the European Commission to present the list of timeline and consultation possibilities with ESSDE in developing these frameworks.

Trade unions of academics underlined that substantial EU funding is granted to higher education institutions with the Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe projects but that these grants are not related to fair employment conditions.

In the afternoon session of the meeting, Professor Howard Stevenson presented an overview on the research outcomes of the ETUCE and EFEE joint projects “Towards  a Framework of Action on the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession” and “Promoting  Quality  of Academic Teaching and Management in Higher Education”. This presentation triggered a reflection and exchange between worker and employer representatives on the priority areas of work for the next projects of the ESSDE. ETUCE members pointed out the need to tackle issues highly impacting on working conditions, career development as well as improved recruitment and retention strategies for teachers and researchers.

You can find further reading on these topics here:

ETUCE Position on the European Universities Initiative and European Degrees (November 2021)

ETUCE Position on the Fair working condition of researchers is key for the European Research Area (November 2021)