The European Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) is a Europe-wide network of several organisations (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and stakeholders) to collect good examples and research on school leadership to inform policymaking at both European and national levels, promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. This network builds on existing activities developed at European level, especially initiatives and projects supported through European Union programmes in the field of education. The coordinator of the 4-year project, that started with the Network’s kick-off meeting in Brussels on 6-7 September 2023, is the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE), with ETUCE as one of the key leaders alongside the European School Heads Association (ESHA), the European Parents’ Association (EPA), the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU).

Over the next four years, ELNE will bring together a network of 100 partners encompassing employers, education trade unions, schools, ministries of education, local governments, VET networks, school networks, universities, and research institutes. 18 ETUCE member organisations are also members of the consortium: ZNP, Poland; LESTU, Lithuania; OIELE, Greece; FSLI, Romania; TUI, Ireland; BUPL, Denmark; TUS, Serbia; STESI, Spain; UNSA-Education, France; FNE, Portugal; INTO, Ireland; FLC CGIL, Italy; PSZ, Hungary; CMKOS, Czech Republic; OAJ, Finland; SEB, Bulgaria; DLF, Denmark; Solidarnosc, Poland. Other education trade unions are welcome to follow up on the network’s next activities.
ETUCE takes a broad view of school leadership, encompassing, not only the head or principal of the learning institution, but also other individuals with leadership roles such as deputy principals, departmental/subject heads, senior teachers and other individuals entrusted with leadership responsibilities. ETUCE believes in distributed leadership, shared or collaborative leadership involving teachers and the whole pedagogical community in collaborative decision making.