ETUCE represents staff and personnel of all education sectors, such as teachers of the early childhood education schools/institutions, primary and secondary schools, vocational education and training schools, higher education and research institutes, adult learning institutes and beyond. As the European trade union federation of teachers, researchers and educational staff, ETUCE promotes and defends the rights and status of the teaching profession.

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ETUCE represents also academic staff of higher education and of research institutions. ETUCE pays special attention to the needs of researchers at the initial phase of their careers, for example doctorate candidates or early stage researchers. ETUCE, via Education International, has been involved in the process of elaboration of the European Charter of researchers and a Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers.
Organising researchers
ETUCE Working Group of researcher trade unionists discussed about Organising Researchers (2012-2013). The Recommendations on organising researchers (2013) highlighted that researchers in Europe face numerous challenges when their working rights are at stake, deriving from a series of reasons. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that researchers should join trade unions and receive full protection in their workplace.
Early stage researchers
ETUCE Working Group of researcher trade unionists discussed about Early Stage Researchers (2010-2014). The ETUCE policy paper on Early Stage Researchers was adopted by the ETUCE Special conference in November 2014. ETUCE intends to address and tackle the most urgent problems facing early stage researchers/doctoral candidates and to make recommendations to overcome them. Early-stage researchers/doctoral candidates have the same right to join trade unions and to be represented by trade unions as all other workers.