The ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality is a consultative body to the ETUCE Committee. It seeks to move forward the priorities and recommendations on equal opportunities set out in the ETUCE Work Programme. It also puts forward recommendations about priority themes and working methods regarding equal opportunities in education, the teaching profession and teacher unions.

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The Standing Committee for Equality

The ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality is a consultative body to the ETUCE Committee. It seeks to move forward the priorities and recommendations on equal opportunities set out in the ETUCE Work Programme. It also puts forward recommendations about priority themes and working methods regarding equal opportunities in education, the teaching profession and teacher unions. The Standing Committee for Equality meets once a year. The members are nominated by the national teacher unions of their country. Both men and women are invited to become members of this body.

At present, due to the bereavement of the former chair, Kounka Damianova, the vice-chair Rossella Benedetti from UIL Scuola (Italy) is chairing the Committee. As chair of the Standing Committee for Equality, Rossella Benedetti takes part in the ETUCE bureau meetings.

With a view to further promote the work in the EI Women's network, ETUCE has begun in recent years to invite representatives from other EI Regions to the meetings of the ETUCE Standing Committee for Equality to explain the equal opportunities approach in their region. The speakers invited have so far been, Princess Moss, NEA Secretary-Treasurer of EI Region North-America, Francisca L. Castro, Regional Committee Member from the EI Asian-Pacific Region and Yamile Socolowsky, Member of the Latin American Women's Network, EI Region Latin America.


The Status of Women Committee

The Status of Women Committee is composed of the female members of the ETUCE Committee. It convenes twice a year linked to the bi-annual ETUCE Committee meetings to advise the ETUCE Committee on equality issues. At present, Lies Van Rompaey, COV (Belgium) is Chair of the Status of Women Committee.

The Regional Women's Caucus

The ETUCE Regional Women's Caucus comes together every four years to advise the ETUCE Conference on equality issues.
