Make teaching attractive!

Campaign partners

ETUCE works together with its sectoral partner organisations at national and European level to promote the attractiveness of the teaching profession by all possible means. As the European Region of Education International (EI), ETUCE`s campaign initiative supports EI`s worldwide campaign to Go public! Fund Education. We also work together with our social partner, EFEE, representing education employers. Last but not least, we are proud of the ETUCE member organisation in 51 countries working day in, day out for teachers in Europe!

Go Public! Fund Education is an urgent call for governments to invest in public education, a fundamental human right and public good, and to invest more in teachers, the single most important factor in achieving quality education. This means guaranteeing labour rights and ensuring good working conditions, as well as manageable workloads and competitive salaries for teachers and education workers. It also means valuing teachers, respecting teachers ensuring they are central to decision-making, and trusting their pedagogical expertise.

Go public! Fund education

Both ETUCE and EFEE, the European Federation of Education Employers deem it of outmost importance to continue their joint efforts to find common solutions to make the teaching profession more attractive for society to benefit from, within quality education institutions that are inclusive, learner-centred, and sustainable organisations. For that purpose, the social partners have agreed on a Framework of Actions to set out joint tasks.

Framework of Actions on the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession

Our most important campaign partners are our member organisation at national level, representing teachers, academics and other education personnel across Europe. It is through their efforts, that we can promote the joint cause.

ETUCE Member Organisations