Make teaching attractive!

Press Corner

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) representing over 11 million teachers in 51 countries initiates a European-wide campaign to Make Teaching Attractive. ETUCE`s 127 member organisations have joined forces and set out 10 key demands to push education policy makers to ensure education systems are properly funded and staffed to provide quality public education for all. The campaign starting mid-May 2023 will be rolled out until autumn next year, directing public attention to the essential role teachers play in our society and calling for the first time to celebrate the European Week of Teachers in the first week of October 2023.

ETUCE, the education trade union federation at European level believes that education is a public good, and that well-funded, well-staffed education systems are critical to the prosperity of the countries in the European region. Faced with teacher shortages due to both an ageing workforce and the declining status of the profession, it needs to be acknowledged that both retention and recruitment of teaching professionals are critical to the sustainable development of education systems. To raise the status and attractiveness of the teaching profession at all levels and sectors of education in Europe, from early childhood education, primary and secondary education, vocational education and training though to higher education and research ETUCE demands to

  1. Promote professional autonomy!
  2. Deliver decent competitive salaries!
  3. Support effective career start to ensure retention!
  4. Ensure quality professional development!
  5. Embed equality and diversity!
  6. Sustain safe and secure working conditions!
  7. Ensure workload control and a work-life balance!
  8. Create democratic school cultures!
  9. Ensure social dialogue!
  10. Value, respect and empower the teaching profession!

Although education systems and policy measures in place vary from country to country, ETUCE member organisations all agree that policy makers should address these 10 key demands in an effort to make teaching an attractive profession, and by this, providing for a sustainable, quality public education for all students in Europe, with a well-trained, decently paid, motivated and respected teacher in every classroom.

ETUCE calls all those interested, including representatives of the press, to amplify these 10 key demands by sharing information and raise public awareness as well as demand education policy makers to act now and make teaching attractive among young people choosing a career track and to retain teachers in the initial stages of their career. So that there is no class in schools without a teacher.

For more information, please contact the ETUCE Secretariat.

